Thursday, October 05, 2006

Till minne av Adam Rapacz

Vår vän "Tyske Adam" från Berlin försvann fredagen den 23 september i Norrköping. Torsdagen efter fann de honom död i Motala ström. Jag vill härmed hedra hans minne och tacka för alla roliga stunder och de få, men fina samtal, vi hann ha med varandra. Han var en sådan människa jag alltid tänkte "Han verkar vara en riktigt mysig människa, han måste jag prata mer med så småningom". Nu hann jag inte riktigt det och hans bortgång får mig att tänka på allt man tar förgivet, på hur förgängligt allting egentligen är. Ena dagen är livet på ett sätt och dagen efter kan allt ha förändrats. Ta vara på nuet, och njut av varje dag som om det är en värdefull gåva. Tack Adam för den människa du var och för det du gav mig och en massa av mina närmaste vänner. Tack för insikten, genom din tragiska bortgång, att ta vara på mina närmaste, bekanta och att försöka uppskatta varje litet möte. Vi ses i himlen, eller var vi nu hamnar.

Och jag tänker på dig Louise, min vän, och skickar dig min energi tills vi ses igen.

Kramar Tereza


Anonymous said...

Is this article about Adam available in english or even in german?

Tereza Kennedy said...

Hi Ernst!
I called the text "In memory of..." and this is the version we sent down to his family:

We want to give our warmest thanks to our dearest friend "German Adam" (as we used to call him here in Sweden) for all the enjoyable moments and the few, but valuable talks, we had time to spend together.

We want to remember you in pictures. Like the one from the New Year Eves costume party here in Sweden 2005-2006 - You had dressed up as a lady with a dress, big necklace and cute as ever. Your smile was warm and happy when you danced in front of us in the snow and we hugged each other and gave one another our best wishes... or when we, during the summer behind the "Fasan-house", sat close together and you smiled and listened with all your heart and tried to answer the best you could in mixed languages of Swedish, English and German... or when you were "the King on the football field". These are the images we are going to save.

Adam was one of those persons you think, "He seems to be a really nice guy, I need to talk to him more as soon as I get the chance". Now we didn’t take the time and his decease makes us think about all the things you take for granted in life, and on how important everything really is. Life is in a certain way and then when you least expect it, it changes completely. Adam teaches us to pay attention to the present, and enjoy every day like it is a valuable gift. Thank you, our friend Adam, for the wonderful human being you were and everything you gave our nearest friends and us. Thank you for the insight, through your tragic death, to take care of our closest friends, family and to appreciate every meeting. Se you in heaven, or wherever we end up.

Big warm hugs Tereza och Jon Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Tack for intiresnuyu iformatsiyu

Anonymous said...

Tack for intiresny Blog